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Can I extend the leasehold on my property?

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Can I extend the leasehold on my property?

We look at when you might need to think about extending the lease on your flat, how you might go about it and a few other things you need to know…

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January house prices are 1.9% higher than a year ago

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January house prices are 1.9% higher than a year ago

January saw house prices rise all across the UK. Did the “Boris Bounce” affect the housing market? Find out more…

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Tips for First-time Buyers – What is the difference between exchange and completion?

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exchange and completion

Buying or selling a home can be a nail-biting experience. Get ahead of the game by understanding the legal process of exchange and competition.

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What are the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards?

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What are the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards?

From April 2020, all rented homes must reach an Energy Performance Certificate rating of E. Find out what you need to know about the domestic Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards, and how you can achieve them.

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General Election 2019 – what do the parties say about the property sector?

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General Election 2019 - what do the parties say about the property sector?

General Election 2019 is just a few days away. Here is a snapshot of the 3 main parties views on Housebuilding, Landlords and tenants & Homebuyers…

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What to do about bats in your rafters

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What to do about bats in your rafters

Bats are choosing to roost in residential properties. What should you do if they decide to move into your property and how should you deal with them?

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The Problem with Japanese Knotweed

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Japanese Knotweed

Find out everything you need to know about Japanese Knotweed and how it can affect your property including the laws surrounding the problem…

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What is a protected lease?

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business premises in wimbledon

Most Business premises are leased through a protected tenancy. Learn about protected tenancies, landlords? grounds for refusing to renew & contracting out.

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Is Help to Buy costing new homeowners more?

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Is Help to Buy costing new homeowners more

The government?s Help to Buy scheme was launched in 2013 to boost housebuilding and help generation rent onto the housing ladder. However, new research shows that people using scheme may actually be paying a premium – and that they may have been able to get on the housing ladder without it.

Conveyancing firm Reallymoving analysed data from 40,000 first-time buyers over the year to September 2019. The researched… Read Full Story »

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What is the difference between freehold and leasehold property?

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Should I buy freehold or leasehold?

If you are buying property for the first time, you need to know the difference between freehold and leasehold and the key things to check before you buy.

Posted in ASR News

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